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Cannot export reference to Zotero

In Progress Mimirose L. Comments: 2 Reply 6 months ago by Cris P.
1 vote
1 vote

EndNote loses PDFs imported via Kopernio

Solved Daria B. Comments: 2 Reply 3 years ago by Virag 
1 vote
1 vote
2 votes

Kopernio doesn't work in new pubmed

In Progress Manja C. Comments: 5 Reply 5 months ago by Landyn P.
1 vote

PDF link for Int J Retina Vitreous in pubmed broker

Not a Problem Albert E. Comments: 3 Reply 7 months ago by Orabelle
1 vote

Accessing wrong paper

Solved Emily M. Comments: 8 Reply 52 days ago by Run 3.
1 vote

Connection to library "hangs" when off-site

Solved Laura F. Comments: 4 Reply 15 days ago by Giraldo Y.
2 votes

Kopernio button not appearing on screen

In Progress Lara S. Comments: 6 Reply 2 months ago by Tim F.
1 vote
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