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EBSCO LinkSource (how to login?)

Solved Chanseok P. Comments: 6 Reply 58 days ago by Oscar W.
1 vote

Search Dont work fine.

Known Guest Comments: 3 Reply 4 months ago by marka
1 vote

Very patchy and unreliable performance.

Known Guest Comments: 3 Reply 2 months ago by Tim F.
1 vote
1 vote

Aust J Gen Pract Articles do not link to Click

Not a Problem Albert E. Comments: 3 Reply 3 months ago by xoxolem
1 vote

Searching for a word in PDF matches random words

Not a Problem Guest Comments: 2 Reply 6 months ago by Connor K.
1 vote

plugin redirects to wrong login page

Solved Jacob B. Comments: 2 Reply 6 months ago by Meeloun E.
1 vote
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