search institution library not working

umut savacı shared this problem 3 months ago

I am a long time user for endnote but 2 years ago my institution ended endnote subscription. Until this time I was successfully used endnote click extension for getting pdf files and sending to my custom groups in library. After my subscription ended I have tried to use Mendeley but endnote was better for my taste. So I purchased endnote to use with endnote click but I have problem with the finding pdf option. I choose my institution (eskisehir technical university) however finding pdf for most of the articles not working and it say search institution library at the bottom left corner of the sciencedirect for example. I still have mendeley extension on chrome and on these web sites the one endnote click cannot find pdf, mendeley finding successfully, so our institution have subscription and access to these articles.


when I click search institution library in this extention page it gives me an error like this.


Replies (1)


Have the same problem when direct to the library of the University of Birmingham

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