Very patchy and unreliable performance.

Guest shared this problem 4 years ago

Works now and then...Often gets in the way.

Replies (2)


Thank you for taking the time to raise this. I'm keen to look into the performance issues and see if I can fix this for you.

Would you be able to share an example article or platform where Kopernio fails? You could email us at or leave a comment here.

Thank you,



Odločil sem se, da se preizkusim v športnih stavah in našel stavnice, da to storim. Stran ponuja veliko koristnih informacij, ki so mi pomagale razumeti vse zaplete pri stavah. Zahvaljujoč njihovim bonusnim ponudbam sem lahko začel, ne da bi porabil veliko denarja, kar je močno povečalo moje možnosti za uspeh. To spletno mesto mi je resnično pomagalo, da sem se počutil kot pravi igralec.

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