Where is the Google Scholar quick-search browser integration?

Katrin Hildenbrand shared this question 5 years ago

Why can you just choose between Web of Science and PubMed now as a quick-search browser integration?

In your FAQ you offer Google Scholar, Web of Science and PubMed: https://kopernio.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360019977354-Can-I-change-the-Google-Scholar-quick-search-browser-integration-

Since lately Kopernio quick-search browser integration just searches in WoS or PubMed before Kopernio searched in many more sources!

Replies (1)


Hello Katrin, Thank you for taking the time to raise this. We've recently removed the Google Scholar integration. Initially, the quick-search had three options. Now, this is limited to Web of Science and PubMed, but Kopernio can still activate on the publisher platforms.

Hope this helps, but let me know if you have any questions.



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